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Evolving needs of the workforce

European Employers’ Institute for Enhanced Workforce Research and Policy Advocacy

A coalition of 13 sectoral employers’ organisations has launched the European Employers’ Institute (EEI) in response to the growing challenges faced by European businesses in a complex economic landscape and an ageing population. Established as a non-profit association in Brussels, the EEI aims to serve as a central hub for cross-industry research, providing critical data and insights to inform EU policy decisions on social and employment matters.

The founding members include notable organisations such as Ceemet, EuroCommerce, and HOTREC, among others. The EEI’s primary focus will be on labour market policies, industrial relations, health and safety, skills development, and workplace transformation. Newly elected President Delphine Rudelli emphasized the need for comprehensive and reliable data to support effective policymaking, particularly in the context of rapid technological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI).

Research indicates that European employers are increasingly cautious about AI, with many citing concerns about data security and the suitability of AI for their operations. A report revealed that nearly 70% of European workers support government restrictions on AI to protect jobs, highlighting the need for a balanced approach in policy discussions.

By complementing the work of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), the EEI aims to enhance social dialogue at the European level and ensure that the perspectives of employers are adequately represented in employment-related issues. The initiative is a significant step towards fostering a collaborative environment that addresses the evolving needs of the workforce and promotes sustainable business practices across Europe.