The Hilton London Heathrow Airport has launched an innovative family-friendly initiative called "Bee My Guest," designed to engage young travelers...
Ginzan Onsen, a charming hot spring town in Japan's Yamagata Prefecture, is taking significant steps to combat overtourism, particularly during...
A recent survey reveals that business travelers are largely indifferent to sustainability efforts within the travel industry. Despite growing awareness...
Canada’s Competition Bureau Takes Legal Action Against Google for Anti-Competitive Practices in Advertising Canada's Competition Bureau has initiated legal proceedings...
As the global emphasis on sustainability intensifies, businesses are increasingly prioritizing carbon emissions reduction in their travel policies. Recent trends...
In a groundbreaking initiative, Marriott Hotels has joined forces with Winnow Vision to harness artificial intelligence (AI) technology in its...
In a decisive move to address the escalating issues of overtourism and overdevelopment, Bali's interim governor, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya,...
In a powerful display of public sentiment, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Madrid and Barcelona on October...
In a bid to manage the overwhelming influx of tourists and preserve its unique heritage, Venice has introduced new regulations...
In a bold move to safeguard its natural wonders and promote responsible tourism, New Zealand is nearly tripling its visitor...