In a bid to manage the overwhelming influx of tourists and preserve its unique heritage, Venice has introduced new regulations...
In a bold move to safeguard its natural wonders and promote responsible tourism, New Zealand is nearly tripling its visitor...
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has released encouraging data indicating a strong resurgence in air travel demand across Europe....
Barcelona is set to enforce a comprehensive ban on all short-term rentals by November 2028, a decision driven by growing...
Accor, a leading global hospitality group, is taking significant steps to redefine corporate travel in the post-pandemic era by establishing...
Singapore has once again secured its position as the holder of the world's most powerful passport, according to the latest...
In 2023 and 2024, several regions in the U.S. have seen significant increases in both domestic and international tourism: 1....
Travel Planning: AI is being increasingly used in travel planning to provide personalized recommendations, automate booking processes, and offer real-time...
The Philippines tourism industry made remarkable recovery in 2023 as it achieved highest growth in 24 years. The industry reportedly...
The tourism industry in the Philippines has made significant strides in its recovery from the pandemic, employing 6.21 million Filipinos...