A new BBC documentary, "Why Planes Vanish: The Hunt for MH370," on BBC One on 6 March, providing a detailed...
The travel industry is experiencing a remarkable surge in destination weddings and romance travel, with travel advisors finding themselves busier...
Despite the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, a new study by travel money provider, John Lewis Finance, reveals that 71% of UK...
The Senate Commerce Committee has approved the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act, a significant step towards strengthening the U.S....
Travel agencies in the United States achieved a remarkable milestone in January, setting a new record for air ticket sales,...
Dubai welcomed a record-breaking 17.15 million international tourists in 2023, marking a significant 19.4% year-on-year growth over 2022's 14.36 million...
A recent survey conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the American Hotel & Lodging Association reveals that 72% of...
An analysis by entertainment site OntarioCasinos has unveiled the most picturesque lakes in Canada and worldwide, based on Instagram and...
In 2023, Americans embraced road trips like never before, setting a new annual record by driving a staggering 3.263 trillion...
Booking.com has unveiled its 12th annual Traveller Review Awards, recognizing exceptional hospitality across the globe. Scotland emerges as a standout,...