Cloud5 Communications, a leading company for Managed IT Services and Communication solutions to over 5,000 hotels, MDU’s (Multi-Dwelling Units), and...
Staff Writer
Ken Greene was elected President and CEO by a unanimous vote of the AAHOA Board of Directors. Greene has been...
According to the most recent STR statistics, a surprising turn of events led hotel occupancy in the U.S to achieve...
In an annual forecast for the commercial, defence and space aerospace market. Boeing has released a press statement reflecting on...
The Kerala government has launched a caravan tourism strategy, offering visitors a safe, customised, and close-to-nature vacation experience that is...
The Arabian and African Hospitality Conference (AHIC) address the most demanding issues affecting the hotel market in post-pandemic world at...
The pipeline for Hilton hotels has grown to 146 lodges and over 35,000 rooms in the Dubai, UAE, led by...
If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring a subaquatic world, here’s your chance of living that adventure. Deep Dive Dubai, an...
Hotel leaders are hopeful of a quick recovery of the industry after it shows promising signs this year. It was...
Some hotels in North Carolina have reported incidents of scammers targeting night shift employees, including night auditor at hotels. Ken...