Hilton, the Asia Pacific’s fastest-growing hotel corporation and a renowned global pioneer in franchising has announced the opening of its...
Chefs, waiters, and others in the hospitality sector in Denver will benefit from $1.5 million in federal Covid-19 pandemic relief...
Ken Greene was elected President and CEO by a unanimous vote of the AAHOA Board of Directors. Greene has been...
The pipeline for Hilton hotels has grown to 146 lodges and over 35,000 rooms in the Dubai, UAE, led by...
If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring a subaquatic world, here’s your chance of living that adventure. Deep Dive Dubai, an...
Some hotels in North Carolina have reported incidents of scammers targeting night shift employees, including night auditor at hotels. Ken...
Firefighters continue hard to contain at least 10 large wildfires that have been raging across Northern California. The high winds...
The White House announced on September 10, 2021, the expanded COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, giving qualified hoteliers...
According KPMG's 'UAE Customer Experience Excellence Report 2020', UAE's travel and hospitality sectors have outperformed other countries. KPMG, short for...
In an interesting development, Covid19 detection dogs seem to have been deployed at the Miami International Airport (MIA), which is...